“Happiness is grr…eat!”– Coach Daniela Ben Said visits the school

Well-known motivational trainer, business coach and keynote speaker Daniela Ben Said wowed our 500 students with her new programme.


Business speaker Daniela Ben Said is normally found coaching and entertaining employees of major companies, executives and sales representatives, focusing on personality training and motivation. The audience she faced at PGH was quite a different one, made up of children and young people from Years 4–12 as well as invited guests including Olaf von Löwis, Mayor of Holzkirchen. Ben Said’s programme, “Glück ist tierisch leicht. Was wir von Tieren lernen können.“ (Happiness is grr…eat! What we can learn from animals) took her listeners on a tour of the animal world represented on Ben Said’s own farmyard home and presented strategies and ideas to lay the foundations for a life of fulfilment, courage and honesty.

The animals she had brought along were the inspiration for a fund of entertaining stories and anecdotes that could be taken as practical suggestions to enhance our own lives: the behaviour of a tortoise under stress, the unconditional love of a dog, the intelligence of a bird of prey. All these creatures offer inspiration we can adopt and apply in our own lives.

A spectacular performance by a bird of prey demonstrated the importance of calmness and patience in waiting for the perfect opportunity to expend energy. The dog Frida, happily roaming between the rows of children, belied her attack dog looks to show that our prejudiced reaction to external appearances can often hold us back from exploring new experiences.

Animals react instinctively in line with their nature, a process we humans have forgotten. And yet we can still enjoy “grrr…eat” happiness and motivation if we only take a few tricks from the animal kingdom on board. The ultimate aim is to carve out our own path, even if it is not always clear to everyone. The caterpillar is a prime example; “eat, eat, eat, sleep – then wham: beauty!”